University Student Satisfaction and Behavioural Engagement During Emergency Remote Teaching
online learning satisfaction, emergency remote teaching, behavioural engagement, academic achievementAbstract
This study aimed to examine students' online satisfaction in the context of emergency remote teaching. The research was carried out in a concurrent triangulation design from the mixed method. The quantitative data of the study were collected from 2663 students studying at different faculties/schools of a state university in Turkey in the fall semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. Participants consist of students who participated voluntarily according to the convenient sampling method. Qualitative data were collected from 494 students who express their opinion through free text answers. The "e-satisfaction scale" was used to determine students' online learning satisfaction. The number of logins to live course, the number of recorded course view and the number of logins to LMS of students are behavioural engagement indicators. According to the findings, the students have a moderate level of satisfaction. There is a significant difference between both academic achievement and engagement of students with different satisfaction levels. Longing for face-to-face education, the usefulness of the LMS, inadequate assessment, the inefficiency of online learning, technical problems, challenges of the process, and insufficient instructors are opinions frequently mentioned by students. The results obtained in this study not only determine the current situation regarding student satisfaction but also provide important clues about improving online learning.
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