CJLT/RCAT strives to assign a decline or send for review decision within 30 days of receipt.
Author(s) will be contacted first about any deficits in the submission process. Please review the submission requirements carefully. Once submission requirements are met, articles will be assessed for alignment with the journal’s subject-matter and adequate research rigor by an Editor. Articles deemed inappropriate will be declined and the author(s) will be notified.
Articles deemed appropriate for publication in the journal by the Editor(s), pending reviewer response, will be injected into the peer-review process. Reviewers with appropriate academic credentials will be asked to review. CJLT guidelines require two positive, double-blind reviews before articles are returned to authors for revisions.
The review process is dependent upon reviewer availability and response time. At the six- months-post-review juncture, authors will be contacted for agreement to continue the review request process. Articles not receiving one peer review within 9 months, from the review process start date, will be withdrawn and author(s) notified.
Publication Agreement
All submissions must include the CJLT/RCAT publication agreement. Articles submitted without a signed publication agreement will be declined.
Before you submit
All submissions must meet the author guidelines. Articles configured outside these guidelines will be declined.
Submissions requirements
- Submitted within the CJLT/RCAT Online Journal System (OJS).
- Abstract (between 150-200 words) and Keywords (at least 4) must follow the title.
- All authors and affiliations must be represented in the submission metadata. Author (and co-author) information must be removed from the article for double-blind review. Replace all author mentions with “Author” and author references with “Deleted for Peer Review.”
- Copyrighted materials contained in the manuscript will be noted in the publication agreement and permission documents included with the submission.
- Potential conflict(s) of interest related to the manuscript and/or study must be identified upon submission.
- Confirmation of compliance with ethical standards for research involving human participants will be provided.
- Confirmation that data has been collected and analyzed in an appropriate manner, ensuring regard for the privacy of subjects. The researcher(s) confirm that they have followed ethical standards for research involving human participants such as those at detailed for Canadian researchers. If an AI application (e.g., ChatGPT) has been used, this must be acknowledged.
Content requirements
To be considered for publication, the following steps must be successfully completed:
- Manuscripts adhere to the highest standard of academic integrity and ethical practice.
- All submissions comply with APA7 article formatting style guidelines.
- Research articles have a word count within 5000-6500 word, including references, appendices, tables, and figures, and provide enough detail in the methodology section of the manuscript to allow for the work to be replicated. Submissions that exceed the word count limit will not be accepted for review.
- Systematic Literature Reviews are clearly labelled, may include a large number of references, and may be allowed to exceed the word limit.
- Notes section submissions are most often included at the request of the Editors and are normally a maximum of 4000 words.
- Tables and figures are encouraged in articles and are placed within the text.
- All submissions must meet referencing and double-blind peer review requirements.
- Data is collected and analyzed in an appropriate manner, confirming regard for the privacy of subjects.
- Use of Artificial Intelligence applications (e.g., Chat GPT) is discouraged and must be acknowledged if used.
- Authors maintain accurate and complete copies of study data associated with the submitted manuscript.
- Authors maintain accurate and complete records of ethics documentation for research involving human subjects from their home institution(s).
Manuscripts must be an entirely original work, in which nothing has been copied in whole or in part from other works and has not been published nor submitted for review/publication elsewhere.
There are no submission or access fees to publish in CJLT/RCAT.