Examining the Use of Worked Example Video Podcasts in Middle School Mathematics Classrooms: A Formative Analysis / Étude sur l'utilisation de podcasts d’exemples pratiques dans des classes de mathématiques à l'école secondaire de premier cycle


  • Robin Holding Kay University of Ontario Institute of Technology
  • Jamie Edwards



Mots-clés :

middle school, secondary school, mathematics, video podcasts, online videos, video clips, impact, learning, attitudes


Video podcasts allow students to control when, where, and what they learn, as well as the pace of learning. Considerable research has been conducted in higher education on video podcasts use, but not in middle schools (grades six to eight). This study investigated the use of worked example video podcasts in mathematics classrooms with students 11 to 13 years old. One hundred thirty-six pupils individually watched video podcasts designed to teach basic mathematics concepts. Students were positive about the quality of worked example video podcasts and appreciated the step-by-step, easy to follow explanations, diagrams, and being able to control the pace of learning. Learning performance increased significantly after using worked example video podcasts. There were no gender or grade level differences in attitudes toward worked example video podcasts or learning performance. Les podcasts vidéo permettent aux étudiants de contrôler quand, où, et ce qu'ils apprennent, ainsi que le rythme d'apprentissage. Un grand nombre de recherches ont été menées sur l'utilisation de podcasts vidéo dans l'enseignement supérieur, mais pas dans les écoles secondaires de premier cycle (classes de sixième à huitième). Cette étude a examiné l'utilisation des podcasts vidéo d’exercices pratiques dans des classes de mathématiques avec des élèves de 11 à 13 ans. Cent trente-six élèves ont regardé individuellement des podcasts vidéo conçus pour enseigner des concepts mathématiques de base. L’évaluation des élèves a été positives quant à la qualité de podcasts vidéo et ils ont apprécié les explications par étapes et faciles à suivre, les schémas ainsi que la possibilité de contrôler le rythme de l'apprentissage. La performance d'apprentissage s’est améliorée de manière significative après l'utilisation des podcasts vidéo. Il n'y avait de pas de différence selon le sexe ou le niveau scolaire dans les attitudes envers les podcasts vidéo ou dans la performance d'apprentissage.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Robin Holding Kay, University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Associate Professor, Faculty of Education Robin Kay has published over 120 articles, chapters and conference papers in the area of computers in education, is a reviewer for five prominent computer education journals, and has taught computers, mathematics, and technology for over 20 years at the high school, college and university level. Current projects include research on laptop use in teacher education, learning objects, classroom response systems, e-learning, video podcasts, gender differences in computer related behaviour, emotions and the use of computers, and factors that influence how students learn with technology. He completed his Ph.D. in Cognitive Science (Educational Psychology) at the University of Toronto, where he also earned his masters degree in Computer Applications in Education. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa, Canada





