Guiding Professional Life-long Learning Projects: The Case of an Immersive Blended Learning Certificate | Accompagner des projets professionnels en formation continue : le cas d’un certificat de formation hybride et immersive
DOI :ésumé
This case study presents a blended learning study program offered as a continuing education certificate of advanced studies for post-secondary educators and training professionals in the private, non-governmental, and public sectors. This accredited certificate program is unique in that it allows participants to propose and develop their own practical pedagogical projects. Another distinguishing characteristic is that it is offered in blended learning mode, i.e., alternating face-to-face phases with tutored distance learning phases. The pedagogical team includes one professor and one coordinator who supervise the entire program, as well as external instructors who provide individually tailored consulting on participants’ projects. During their studies, participants experience first-hand, the techno-pedagogical solutions proposed through their implementation within the program.Téléchargements
© Kalliopi Benetos, Daniel Peraya 2015
Cette œuvre est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
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