Building Teaching–Learning Capacities of Online Nurse Educators: Using TPACK to Frame Pedagogical Processes and Identify Required Supports | Renforcer les capacités d’enseignement et d’apprentissage des éducateurs en ligne en soins infirmiers : utiliser le modèle TPACK pour encadrer les processus pédagogiques et repérer les soutiens requis


  • Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier Saint Francis Xavier University
  • Jane Moseley St. Francis Xavier University (retired)


Mots-clés :

community of practice, distance education, instructional design, interpersonal relationships, online learning, supports, pedagogy, TPACK


Quality teaching includes reflective practice, dialogue, and curiosity and depends on personal, institutional, and community assets and constraints, as well as on the individual’s definitions of the roles of education in society. Based on an environmental scan and action research with instructors in an online distance Bachelor of Science, Nursing program for registered nurses, participants identified five “big ideas” involving community, instructors, class, interpersonal relationships, and supports to build capacity around the three elements of technological pedagogical content knowledge, or TPACK (Koehler, Mishra, Akcaoglu, & Rosenberg, 2013).

Un enseignement de qualité inclut une pratique réflexive, un dialogue et de la curiosité. Il dépend d’atouts et de contraintes personnelles, institutionnelles et communautaires, ainsi que de la façon dont chaque personne définit les rôles de l’éducation dans la société. En s’appuyant sur une analyse environnementale et une recherche-action auprès des instructeurs d’un programme de soins infirmiers pour infirmiers autorisés dans un baccalauréat en sciences en ligne et à distance, les participants ont repéré cinq « grandes idées » relatives à la collectivité, aux instructeurs, aux relations interpersonnelles et aux soutiens pour renforcer les capacités concernant les trois éléments du contenu technologique pédagogique, ou TPACK (Koehler, Mishra, Akcaoglu, et Rosenberg, 2013).

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier, Saint Francis Xavier University

Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier is an educator, instructional designer, and researcher with over 25 years’ experience in K–12, post-secondary, and adult learning classrooms in Canada and online. Her focus is on achieving and facilitating sound teaching pedagogy, including ways technology can be used in face-to-face and online classrooms to promote collaborative, safe learning for students of diverse ages, abilities, and backgrounds.

Jane Moseley, St. Francis Xavier University (retired)

ane Moseley is a nurse, nurse educator, social justice advocate, artist, and children’s author. In her work, she has focused on participatory methods to integrate adult learning principles and cultural competencies into programs and processes designed for and with communities. Jane’s efforts have influenced curriculum and transformed nursing practice to honour Indigenous ways of knowing.


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