TPACK and Teachers’ Self-Efficacy: A Systematic Review
TPACK, instructional technology, professional development, self-efficacyAbstract
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) studies have surged over the past few years, however, there is a lack of studies that have comprehensively reviewed and synthesized data on teachers’ TPACK self-efficacy. The present review aimed to provide data on research methods, study samples, subject domains, and evaluation approaches used in the TPACK studies to date. The review also aimed to analyze teachers’ TPACK self-efficacy, self-efficacy beliefs, computer self-efficacy, and technology support concerning professional development. Five best bets (most searched databases) were selected on the Electronic Business Source Complete (EBSCO) host platform. An abstract level screening was conducted for 136 peer-reviewed articles, and 75 articles were selected for the detailed screening. The analyses were focused on year-wide appearance of TPACK studies, research methods, study samples, subject domains, and evaluation approaches used. The growth and development of TPACK self-efficacy was examined using the narrative approach. Results indicated that professional development interventions were effective in improving teachers’ TPACK self-efficacy. Also, TPACK-based argumentation practices helped participants strengthen their perceptions toward the integration of technology in classrooms. The implications of the findings for teacher preparation programs and other professional development activities were presented.
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