Digital Inequalities in Education: A Narrative Literature Review
literature review, inquality, scientific mediation, digital technologies, educationAbstract
This study is a narrative literature review resulting from a scientific mediation synthesis on digital inequalities in education, with the aim of (1) extending our first synthesis with the following questions: what are the avenues for research? and what are the heuristic concepts? and (2) reflecting on the links between scientific research and mediation. Our theoretical anchoring is at the crossroads of the sociocritical approach to educational digital uses, didactics, and scientific mediation. Our corpus, the inclusion criteria of which are made explicit, is composed of 80 studies from European and North American works published between 2002 and 2022. In response to our questions, this study brings to light a number of issues that are still in progress – a mapping of inequalities in teacher use that need to be completed, links with educational pathways that need to be clarified, design biases that need to be examined, and notions of participation in (or exclusion from) digital environments that need to be explored – and heuristically fruitful concepts, as well as for practice, such as digital capital and literacy.
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