Digital Technology as a Total Social Fact
Anthropology of Uses, Educational Digital Practices, Social Fact Total, PandemicAbstract
This article questions personal and collective dimensions of the appropriate processes of digital technologies used by teachers, students, and families by focusing on the evolution of their digital practices during the COVID-19 lockdowns of 2020 to 2022 in France. A qualitative approach by ethnographic interviews and participant observations supplements the quantitative data collected from five surveys. The results present different dynamics of appropriation and question the relationships between the different actors. By studying the uses of digital technologies, we can grasp the three essential dimensions of the total social fact: its historical depth, particularly at the level of techno-imaginaries; the weak signals that emerge from numerous usage studies; and finally, the psychodynamic transformations, both individual and collective, in the construction of social norms for the use of digital technology, particularly noticeable in education since the pandemic. These works shed light on and question the representations, uses, and imaginaries linked to digital technology in education and, in particular, the very questionable notion of “digital native”. The analysis of the weak signals and the psychodynamic transformations at work during lockdowns attests to a contagion of parental divestiture vis-à-vis digital technology toward educational divestiture and calls for collective reorganisation.
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