The Design and Implementation of Maker Projects in Elementary Schools: A Scoping Review
digital technologies, maker, maker education, scoping review, teacher educationAbstract
The rise in popularity of the maker movement in schools is evident around the globe, yet research, particularly in French, is still in early stages. This article provides a scoping review of maker projects in grades four through eight classrooms in elementary schools from around the globe, aiming to uncover their implementation, materials used, and outcomes on students and teachers. From 1900 initial studies, 68 scientific articles were analyzed. This article outlines the three stages of maker projects: 1) inspiration and preparation, 2) implementation and realization, and 3) presentation and recontextualization, while highlighting an equal mix of digital and physical tools within the selected papers. It also discusses the impact on students across affective, social, disciplinary, and metacognitive dimensions, as well as on teachers, including pedagogical, affective, and social outcomes. Examples of disciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary maker projects are highlighted, showcasing the broad scope and potential of maker education. These findings are essential for strengthening teacher education with research-informed best practices for designing and integrating maker projects in classrooms.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Megan Cotnam-Kappel, Alison Cattani-Nardelli, Sima Neisary, Patrick R. Labelle

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