Generative Artificial Intelligence in Graphic Design Education: A Student Perspective
Artificial Intelligence, Design Curriculum, Student Attitudes, AI integration, generative AI, graphic design, graphic design educationAbstract
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) is re-defining the way higher education design is taught and learned. The explosive growth of GenAI in design practice demands that design educators ensure students are prepared to enter the design profession with the knowledge and experience of using GenAI. To facilitate GenAI’s introduction in a project-based context, it is suggested that design educators use critical engagement as a starting point to assure students understand the strengths and weakness of GenAI in the creative design process. There is little guidance on how to systematically integrate GenAI in design studio practice while maintaining a critical perspective of the ethical issues it has engendered. This research explores student attitudes toward GenAI, frequency of its use, and student perception of its impact on their future design careers. A survey of a representative cohort of graphic design students (n = 17) reveals a pragmatic acceptance that GenAI will change how design is practiced and a concurrent willingness to learn more on how to use it effectively and ethically. The survey validates the need for design educators to engage and guide students critically in their understanding and use of GenAI within studio and professional practice.
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