Learners’ Perceptions of Synchronous Written Corrective Feedback in Videoconferenced Collaborative Writing





computer-assisted language learning, synchronous written corrective feedback, video-conferenced collaborative writing, computer-mediated communication


Second language (L2) research suggests that synchronous written corrective feedback (SWCF) in online collaborative writing tasks can help improve L2 linguistic knowledge and writing skills. Following the rise of online collaborative writing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this exploratory study examines L2 learners’ perceptions of receiving SWCF during collaborative writing tasks completed on an online text-editing platform (Google Docs) and mediated by videoconferencing (Zoom). Adult learners (N = 46) enrolled in advanced online French as a Second Language courses took part in two collaborative writing tasks, during which their teachers (N = 3) provided SWCF. Learners’ screen activity was recorded. After the experiment, a perception survey was distributed and selected participants took part in semi-structured interviews to further discuss their experience. Results indicate that learners viewed the provision of SWCF through computer-mediated communication as an effective way to improve their L2 writing compared to traditional, delayed written feedback. Pedagogical implications for the implementation of videoconferences collaborative writing tasks involving teacher SWCF are discussed.

Author Biographies

Kevin Papin, Université du Québec à Montréal

Kevin Papin is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM), Canada. His research focuses on the pedagogical use of different technologies (e.g., virtual reality, speech technologies) for autonomous L2 learning, in relation to willingness to communicate, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

Gabriel Michaud, Université de Montréal

Gabriel Michaud is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Montreal, Canada. His research interests include task-based language teaching, second language grammar and vocabulary development, and written corrective feedback.


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