Étude du changement découlant de l’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans une école secondaire de l’Ontario
This case study, which provides an interim report of the research conducted, describes the changes experienced by teachers after participating for three months in a project to integrate information and communications technologies (ICT) into an Ontario secondary school. The goal was to determine what changes occurred and what factors either fostered or impeded them. The participating teachers perceived active leadership in the school and social pressure to be the emergent positive change factors. On the other hand, they viewed a lack of available tools, time, and anxiety as being the main constraints. Profound changes in the roles of the teacher and the student were also noted during this period, changes that the teachers attributed to the integration of ICT into the curriculum.Téléchargements
© Martine Leclerc 2003
Cette œuvre est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.
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