Developing Tutorials for Several Institutional Partners: A Real Challenge! | Développer des tutoriels pour plusieurs institutions partenaires : un réel défi !


  • Brigitte Belzile Université Laval



This case describes the two-year development of a set of interactive tutorials for students and faculty at a number of community colleges and one university in order to target information literacy skills among their students, primarily searching for and evaluating information found online. The tools created were published under a Creative Commons license and made available to faculty members and instructors for the purposes of both online and classroom delivery. The main problems encountered dealt with collaboration issues arising between participating institutions, the availability and skill sets of the main contributors and the beta testing of materials developed for the target clientele.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Brigitte Belzile, Université Laval

Brigitte Belzile is an instructional designer at the School of Continuing Education at Université Laval (Canada). Previously, for twelve years, she worked in the private sector as an ID and coordinator of training, locally and internationally, with institutions such as Desjardins Bank, Tecsult and Bell Mobility. Having obtained a doctoral-level diploma in management training from Université de Sherbrooke (Canada), Brigitte is currently enrolled in the doctoral program in Educational Technology at Université Laval.






Online Learning from the Instructional Designer’s Perspective: Canadian and European French-language Case Studies