Créer des expériences d'apprentissage en ligne: un bref guide des cours en ligne, de petits et privés à massifs et ouverts, 2018


  • Alicia Cundell Concordia University


Mots-clés :

online learning, MOOC, online courses, OER


This book is an expanded version of a guide originally written by the lead author, Matt Crosslin, to serve as a resource for faculty. The book shares lessons learned as the author designed Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other online courses for the now defunct LINK Research Lab at University of Texas Arlington. At the time of writing the book, Crosslin worked as a Learning Innovation Researcher at the LINK Lab. This expanded version of the book is an Open Educational Resource (OER) (also available in print) with contributions from other authors or contributors that bring diverse perspectives to reach a wider audience. The information and advice in this book is firmly rooted in the experiences of the contributors developing successful online courses, and the ultimate goal is to “provide clarity about many of the steps required to propose and design a course, describe the resources needed, and to explain the roles of stakeholders” (p.1).

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Alicia Cundell, Concordia University

Alicia Cundell works as a Teaching Consultant at Concordia University helping faculty develop their teaching through consultations, teaching observations, and workshops. Alicia has over 20 years of combined teaching, training and educational development experience, and has worked extensively in teacher training, e-learning, curriculum development, and instructional design. Her current areas of interest include blended learning, educational technologies, and inclusive teaching.


Crosslin, M., Dellinger, J. T., Benham, B., Usman, B., Patterson, A., Semingson, P., Spann, C. A., Watkins, H. (2018). Creating Online Experiences: A Brief Guide to Online Courses, from Small to Private to Massive and Open. Mavs Open Press.





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