Teachers Perceptions of Google Classroom: Revealing Urgency for Teacher Professional Learning


  • Brandy A. Martin University of Calgary Werklund School of Education




21st century learning, connected learning, educational technology, google classroom, mobile learning, professional learning


As the use of educational technology is at the forefront of today’s educational revolution, it is imperative that educators are employing online learning environments such as Google Classroom to enhance 21st century pedagogy and student learning. Through this mixed method research study, it has been concluded that using Google Classroom will assist educators in creating learning environments which boast organization, accessibility, mobility, and 21st century learning skills. This research reveals there continues to be gaps between the possibilities of eLearning and the training of teachers to use it and develop their teaching practices within a technological mainstream that moves beyond positivism about its value. The researcher recommends that teachers receive immediate and sustained professional learning regarding the use of Google Classroom. This learning should focus on the pedagogical side of technology integration in order to enhance 21st century learning.

Author Biography

Brandy A. Martin, University of Calgary Werklund School of Education

Brandy A. Martin, University of Calgary Werklund School of Education. Since 2012, Brandy has been a K-12 educator. Upon finishing her Master of Education in 2019, she entered the field of educational technology. Currently, she is working as an educational technologist for a small rural school district in Alberta, Canada. The focus of her work is providing educators and students with the competencies necessary to use educational technologies for the benefit of learning and creating course content in STEM education.


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