Usefulness of Assistive Technologies for Reading and Writing Skills and Academic Self-Concept for French-Speaking Elementary Students with Learning Difficulties
reading and writing difficulties, assistive technology, academic self-conceptAbstract
This pilot study focuses on the use of assistive technologies (AT) by elementary school students, educated in French, who were identified with reading and writing difficulties (AT group, n = 25). The aim of this study is to assess whether assistive technologies improved their reading comprehension, spelling errors, and academic self-concept. A comparison group of average achieving peers (n = 22) is included to examine whether the gap in scores of the two groups is reduced over time. The results show that between the two time periods, students in the AT group reduce their spelling errors, and after just five months using assistive technologies, they even got comparable performances to their normally achieving peers. In reading comprehension and academic self-concept, the interaction effects are not significant. The implications for academic success and future research are discussed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabrielle Bourget-Piché, Céline Leroux Chemla , Clélie Bigo, Marie-Claude Guay

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