A Review of “Next level grammar for a digital age: Teaching with social media and online tools for rhetorical understanding and critical creation”




Mots-clés :

alphabétisation numérique critique, pédagogie numérique critique, citoyenneté numérique, apprentissage et enseignement des langues


Next level grammar for a digital age by Darren Crovitz, Michelle D. Devereaux, and Clarice M. Morgan has made a valuable contribution to English Language Arts (ELA) education by delineating how grammar instruction can be situated within real-life contexts using digital technologies and media, as well as emphasizing the importance of critical digital literacy in ELA education. The book provides educators with a wide range of approaches to guide students in utilizing language in digital spaces and understanding rhetorical grammar to create digital content, aiming to raise learners to become more conscious digital readers and writers and to grow up to be engaged citizens. With its concrete and practical lesson ideas, the book helps language teachers to prepare for teaching complex and challenging topics that emerge in digital realms and to guide students to incrementally develop their literacy skills. Individuals in language education will find valuable insights for engaging discussions on how language teaching can be updated to meet requirements of an increasingly digital media landscape.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Kyu Yun Lim, University of British Columbia

Kyu Yun Lim is a PhD student in the department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia in Canada. She brings a wealth of practical experience to her research, having previously served as a secondary English teacher and teacher educator in Seoul, Korea. Her research centres on critical digital literacy practices within K-12 education, anti-racist pedagogy, and technology-mediated language learning, with a passion for fostering inclusive and equitable learning environments.


Crovitz, D., Devereaux, M. D., & Morgan, C. M. (2022). Next level grammar for a digital age: Teaching with social media and online tools for rhetorical understanding and critical creation. Routledge. 122 Pages. ISBN: 9780367724146.

National Writing Project. (n.d.). Home. https://www.nwp.org

Tran, K. (2016, May 2). 5 simple questions that’ll help you avoid unintentional cultural appropriation. Everyday Feminism. https://everydayfeminism.com/2016/05/avoid-cultural-appropriation/





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